Reviews_Category: Cataract Eye Drops Reviews Ethos Bright Eyes

Mr D Broadway – UK

Last year, I was told by an optician that I had a cataract in both eyes. After hearing about Bright Eyes, I started using the drops 4/5 months ago. When I recently visited my optician, I asked his opinion on the drops and he stated that the eye drops were of no use. I disagree Mr D Broadway – UK

Mrs Marie P Hartley – USA

I have been using Bright Eyes since February (9 drops per day). Suddenly at the end of 4 months, it dawned on me "something is happening"!! I was afraid to believe it at first, but each day, I checked my view of the house opposite. There was no doubt – the cloudiness was going. The Mrs Marie P Hartley – USA

Tilly Manning – UK, Birmingham

Excellent news, I have been using the Ethos eye drops for a month for cataracts and dry eye in both of my eyes. Great results so far thanks.

Mike Mott – Malaysia / London

I am on my 4th bottle of ethos cataract drops and am noticing good results even though I have only been using the drops for about two months. I am really excited about the results so far. My left eye is still a bit blurry from time to time but the right is doing really Mike Mott – Malaysia / London

Simon, Dublin

Thanks, Ethos. I do not want surgery but feared that I might need it after an eye test suggested I was developing cataracts in both eyes. For now, at least, that development has gone. Fingers crossed that it will not return and I am using Bright Eyes to fight against it.

Werner, Munchen

I was worrying on my eyes because my seeing was more difficult than before. Online I am finding Ethos so I am buying Bright Eyes for help. I am happier now and am still taking the drops for seeing better.

Ray, Toronto, Canada

My sister put me on to Ethos after using its eye drops a couple of years ago. Her problem was eye strain but mine was blurred vision. I did my research to be certain Ethos could help and gave the drops a try. I’m delighted I did because I have much more clarity and put Ray, Toronto, Canada

Francis, Southampton

It came as no surprise when my optician told me I was in the early stages of developing cataracts. I’ve just retired and have recently struggled to see small things clearly. It was not time for any operation but I looked online to see whether there was anything I could buy to help me anyway Francis, Southampton